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"The Lost Sheep"
Event 1 - Final Signs
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Age of Rage People are simmering and seething inside. Ulcers and antacids are not the only byproducts of this angry world. Finding the Missing Peace Many are longing for political peace. Others are craving mental, financial, social, and even physical peace. Spirits of the Dead No one has yet found the fountain of youth, or has been through that veil of death to return and tell us what it is like on the other side.
   Finding the Missing Peace
   A Decaying World
   Death of Modesty - Part 1
   Death of Modesty - Part 2
   Out of the Blue!
   Age of Rage
   The Sign of Jonah
LISTEN to 76 Bible Questions Answered

- Explain in John 3 on being born by water and the Spirit.
- Explain on being absent from the body, but present with the Lord.
- Explain Matthew 16:28 about some not dying until they see the kingdom.
- Explain the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and the eternal hell fire.
- Explain why adultery is the only in exception for divorce.
- Given Ezekiel 32:21, are people conscious after they die?
- How can Jesus leave us peace, but also say he came not to bring peace?
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